When I was a lass, the fall fair was one of my favourite events of the year -- the fair was only 4 blocks from our house (walking distance!), went a whole week long (I could hear the demolition derby while I was falling asleep at night), and my father was often the fair veterinarian (which meant that sometimes I could go with him for free and visit the animals). I loved the animal barns, the rides, and the fair food -- especially corndogs, fried dough (which we called elephant ears, which elephant ears are different from New England elephant ears), and cotton candy. There were years when I my mom didn't go to the fair and I was charged with bringing home an "elephant ear" for her.
This past Saturday, we went to the Cummington Fair for the first time. I ate a large corndog and a fried dough with cinnamon and sugar, pet some goats and cows, watched a lot of people having a good time on those crazy rides, and saw lovely canned goods and homemade crafts. It was a great day -- definitely one of the best fair experiences I've had since living in Massachusetts. I'm so glad we got to go, and I hope you get to go next year -- it's worth the price of admission.
Learn Local, Play Local: Self-Directed Learning Ideas
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2 days ago
oh, I like that sheep. Can I have one?
I know -- isn't it wonderful? I'm sure we could find you one somewhere....
my favorite. sorry we had to miss it this year.
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