With this everlasting cold and scads of snow (along with the sorrow brought on by the untenable hike in WMECO/Eversource's charges), I am in desperate need of some bright, colourful reminders of warmer days. Enjoy the following pictures and spend a moment reminiscing of summer:
December - not too shabby at all!
*Smith's Longspur* - Hadley Honey Pot, Hampshire Co., MA. December 14th,
*A fabulous find for hard working local birder Scott Surner. Fifth state
Springtime in the Garden
We are half way through May already! It’s such a great time of year in New
England and I’m so happy to be out gardening again with my fingers in the
soil e...
School Committee To OML: Drop Dead
*Amherst School Committee*
The Amherst School Committee, as expected, voted 4-0-1 to fight my *O*pen
*M*eeting *L*aw complaint stemming from their spirit...
A December River Rondo
In the middle of a lay-low, stay-at-home vacation week, characterized
mainly by 50-degree rainy days, we finally got a three-hour window of dry
skies today...
United States Post Office, Lee, MA - c1910
United States Post Office, Lee, MA, c1910
Settled in 1760 and incorporated in 1777, the town of Lee is one of the
gems of the Berkshire hills.
In 1910,...
Paramount aka Hippodrome nee Paramount
Having recently joined the Quaboag Hills Photography Club I was privy to a
photowalk they arranged at the old Paramount Theater, or Hippodrome as it
was ...