Come to the Entrusting the Commons photo exhibit opening reception. Meet the photographers from the project, view the photos in real space, and perhaps even purchase a greeting card made from one of the photos. (Proceeds from the cards will benefit the town library.)
This exhibit kicks off Membership Month at the Goodwin Memorial Library. Find out how to become a "friend" and support the library!
When a month or so ago I saw that John Green was publishing a new novel, I got excited. Ever since reading his first book, Looking for Alaska, I have not missed a single solo book of his. (Not that that's been too difficult, as this is only his fourth solo book; but I also read Will Grayson, Will Grayson, which he wrote with David Levithan.)
I immediately put it on my library wish list and shortly thereafter picked it up (yes, at the Hadley Library, in the teen section in the basement). And what a fantastic book. A can't-put-it-down-even-though-my-eyelids-weigh-sixty-pounds book. A laugh-out-loud, shed-a-tear, laugh-out-loud-again book. An even-though-I-usually-prefer-fantasy-and-science-fiction, I-am-in-love-with-this-book book. About a girl with terminal thyroid cancer and the boy that sweeps into her life and the happy, sad, funny, sincere relationship they have while they live up being alive and in love. Hazel and Augustus -- after meeting each other, their lives will never be the same. The Fault in Our Stars
I know that cancer stories about kids and teens are an open invitation to sap (not the maple syrup kind) and painful introspection, but this story is a delight to read and definitely one not to be missed. You can find a copy at the library (as soon as I return it).
If you're feeling brave, take a look at the video the author made the day before the book hit shelves.
On my way home from work this afternoon, coming up Rt 47, I was excited to see a group of guys tapping and bucketing sugar maples by the side of the road -- lots of metal buckets hanging from lots of trees. When I arrived home and shared the news, Mr Madley said he had heard one of the Boisverts from the N. Hadley Sugar Shack on the radio this morning talking sugaring and syrup. Therefore, I am most happy to announce that a visit to the North Hadley Sugar Shack website (which has a new look) shows that they are open for business (as of today)! Breakfasts are being served and the store is open. Don't miss your opportunity to have a home-style maple sugar shack breakfast and to pick up some of our delicious local maple syrup.
For more on the Sugar Shack, see last year's post: Hadley Maple Syrup -- good on everything!
Happy sugaring season!
Make a pledge -- plant a tree. NEPR has partnered with the Connecticut River Watershed Council and several area nurseries to distribute 2600 trees to local environmental organizations who are working to restore areas of the Connecticut River affected by the June tornadoes, the August storm and flooding, and the October nor'easter.
So, for every contribution made to support WFCR and WNNZ during the current fund drive (February 24 – March 3), a tree will be planted in our community -- a tree to replace one of the thousands of trees lost or severely damaged.
Curious? Interested? Want to know why we care about replacing those trees? Find out more (and even make a contribution) at NEPR.
Weekly Suggested Events for February 1-7, 2025
Are you looking for things to do in western Massachusetts? Seeking
place-based learning ideas? Are you a self-directed, life-long, and/or
experiential ...
December - not too shabby at all!
*Smith's Longspur* - Hadley Honey Pot, Hampshire Co., MA. December 14th,
*A fabulous find for hard working local birder Scott Surner. Fifth state
Cornbread from memory ...
This year, a birthday gift from my Cousin Christina was grain, the kind of
grain, so fresh and recently milled it must be immediately frozen upon
Springtime in the Garden
We are half way through May already! It’s such a great time of year in New
England and I’m so happy to be out gardening again with my fingers in the
soil e...
School Committee To OML: Drop Dead
*Amherst School Committee*
The Amherst School Committee, as expected, voted 4-0-1 to fight my *O*pen
*M*eeting *L*aw complaint stemming from their spirit...
A December River Rondo
In the middle of a lay-low, stay-at-home vacation week, characterized
mainly by 50-degree rainy days, we finally got a three-hour window of dry
skies today...
United States Post Office, Lee, MA - c1910
United States Post Office, Lee, MA, c1910
Settled in 1760 and incorporated in 1777, the town of Lee is one of the
gems of the Berkshire hills.
In 1910,...
Paramount aka Hippodrome nee Paramount
Having recently joined the Quaboag Hills Photography Club I was privy to a
photowalk they arranged at the old Paramount Theater, or Hippodrome as it
was ...